Mktzap para o segmento de Saúde - New Way

Estetoscópio medicoIcones representando aplicativos de comunicação

Main features

Be available for your patients at all times

24/7 Availability

With your chatbot you can be available and answer your patients main doubts, regardless of human interaction.

Automatic Scheduling

Make your calendar auto-manageable and allow your patients to choose the best day and time for appointments without waiting in phone lines.

Get rid of paper planners

Integration with apps such as Google Calendar allow your schedule to be fully digital and you to work faster.

Automatic patient identification

Direct connection with your patient’s health insurance identifying number, retrieving information and making service faster.


Our clients tell their stories

1900+ companies have revolutionized their customers and employees’ experiences

Start Today!

Digitize your customer service and make communication with your customers. Schedule a demonstration and get to know our product.

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Be a staple company for customer relationship